Am I A Fit? Knowing If You Have What It Takes for At-Plant.

Planter in field

At-Plant isn’t a one-piece management approach. It’s a multifaceted integrated concept that includes elements ranging from seed and crop protection to the liquid application system on the planter. 

Components of an At-Plant strategy are already in play on many corn and soybean growers’ operations. But what does it take to go all-in to help maximize that planting pass to its full potential?

There are several questions a grower should ask themselves to determine their fit test for an At-Plant plan on their farm.

#1 – Equipment check: Is everything in place?

A grower’s equipment, planter and/or planter setup is the most important piece in an At-Plant plan. Without the proper setup, the At-Plant approach is null.

If a planter is already equipped with a liquid application system, the planter is ready, minus a few nozzle additions. In the situation where a planter doesn’t have a liquid application system and a grower doesn’t want to purchase a new planter, there are alternative and cost-effective solutions from after-market manufacturers to ensure At-Plant capabilities. Growers can also explore the addition of a  3RIVE 3D® application system, from FMC, to apply At-Plant crop protection.

#2 – What do you want to accomplish?

Do you want bigger yields or more control over applications and inputs? If it’s both, At-Plant is a fit. 

Pushing yields higher requires a significant mindset shift toward more proactive and holistic planning. And, at times, an increased input investment up-front. Instead of stacking traits, growers must stack management practices. This requires selecting solutions, like At-Plant, that lay the groundwork for a successful season. An At-Plant strategy helps generate crop physiology benefits and defend against mid- to late-season pests and diseases, starting day one. By building a stronger, more resilient crop from the start, growers are better suited to help maximize their yield potential throughout the growing season.

The other side of the At-Plant coin is control. Growers want a better handle on the solutions they’re bringing to their fields while garnering flexibility. Certain At-Plant inputs, like fungicides and insecticides, give growers better control over in-season applications for foliar diseases ­– gray leaf spot, Northern corn leaf blight – and insects including corn rootworm. With a layer of protection already in place, growers have a leg up on these potential challenges with proactive control. If the problems increase or reach epidemic levels requiring additional foliar control, they have a level of residual activity working in the plant, giving them the flexibility to better time their foliar applications.

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